While birds are a beneficial part of our ecosystem, when they nest on roofs or inside properties, they can become a nuisance or cause damage. From building their nests inside chimneys to leaving unsightly droppings on your solar panels, birds can impact your property’s appearance, cleanliness, functionality and even structural integrity.

Fortunately, bird proofing solutions are available to stop these problems. Here are some of the best ways to bird-proof your home.

What are the signs you have a bird problem at your property?

Spotting the signs of a bird problem means you can take measures to stop the issue before it escalates. Birds like pigeons, seagulls and starlings can cause untold issues when left to nest as they please, including noise disruption and damage to structures when they look for insects or nesting sites. It’s illegal to damage or destroy nests when they’re active or being built, so prevention is better than cure.

Signs you need to contact a bird control expert include finding nests in or around your home, including in guttering, vents or chimneys. You may also spot a lot of bird droppings on surfaces like roofs, windowsills and outdoor furniture, suggesting lots of bird activity in the area. Damage to wooden siding, eaves and other structures can indicate a woodpecker issue.

You should also listen out for persistent bird noises around your property, such as chirping, cooing or flapping sounds.

Should you protect solar panels from birds?

While solar panels are a fantastic way to make your home more energy efficient, they may also create nesting opportunities for birds seeking shelter and warmth. Unfortunately, bird droppings on solar panels can reduce their efficiency by blocking sunlight and risk the longevity of your investment, especially if the birds damage the panels or wiring underneath.

Bird-proofing your solar panels prevents damage, stopping birds from pecking the panels or nesting or roosting under them. If you don’t bird-proof your roof, you’ll also need to consider the maintenance costs of regularly cleaning bird droppings from solar panels.

Overall, solar panel bird-proofing solutions help maintain their efficiency, preventing obstructions that reduce sunlight exposure.

What are the different bird proofing solutions for your property?

One of the most common solutions is bird netting. It’s fitted over areas where birds frequently congregate, such as balconies, roofs, sports venues, warehouses and car parks, creating a physical barrier to stop them from accessing these spaces. The netting is installed by abseil teams and available in various sizes and materials to suit different applications.

Another low-cost option is a bird spike installation. These spiky devices are attached to hard-to-access surfaces like ledges, signs, rooflines and overhangs to deter birds from landing or perching. The spikes produce an uncomfortable surface for birds, preventing them from roosting or nesting in these areas without causing harm.

The third option is bird deterrent wire, which can be fixed to areas where birds may rest. It’s the ideal solution where property aesthetics matter, as the wire is almost invisible to the naked eye. The wire creates an unstable surface to discourage birds from perching while maintaining the aesthetics of the building.

Looking for a bird or pigeon proofing expert? Contact our team

We offer expert bird proofing solutions throughout London and Essex, including Hampstead and Highgate. For a free bird proofing quote, call now on 020 4538 4399.